保罗·卡卢斯:佛陀的福音 魔王波旬 Mara the Evil One

2014/9/4    热度:828   

保罗·卡卢斯:佛陀的福音 魔王波旬 Mara the Evil One


  Mara the Evil One


  The Holy One directed his steps to that blessed Bodhi-tree

  beneath whose shade he was to accomplish his search. [1]

  至圣者走到那棵被赐福的菩提树下,在树荫下,他完成了自己的求索。 1

  As he walked, the earth shook and a brilliant light transfigured the world. [2]

  当他走时,大地震动,一道白光照亮世界。 2

  When he sat down the heavens resounded with joy

  and all living beings were filled with good cheer. [3]

  当他坐下时,天空回响着喜悦之声,所有的生灵都欢呼雀跃。 3

  Mara alone, lord of the five desires,

  bringer of death and enemy of truth,

  was grieved and rejoiced not.

  With his three daughters, Tanha, Raga and Arati, the tempters,

  and with his host of evil demons,

  he went to the place where the great samana sat.

  But Sakyamuni heeded him not. [4]

  唯有五欲之王波旬,这死亡的引发者和真理之敌,他为此悲伤,毫无欢欣之情。他带着三个女儿——诱惑者欲染、能悦和可爱乐,以及他的一大群魔兵魔将,冲到了这伟大出家人的所坐之地。但是释迦牟尼没有注意到他。 4

  Mara uttered fear-inspiring threats and raised a whirl-wind

  so that the skies were darkened and the ocean roared and trembled.

  But the Blessed One under the Bodhi-tree remained calm and feared not.

  The Enlightened One knew that no harm could befall him. [5]

  波旬发出种种令人恐惧的威胁,并掀起一阵狂风,霎时间,暗无天日,海水咆哮,大地颤动。但是菩提树下的至圣者保持平静,没有一丝畏惧。得道者(指佛陀)知道没有任何伤害能够降到他身上。 5

  The three daughters of Mara tempted the Bodhisatta, but he paid no attention to them,

  and when Mara saw that he could kindle no desire in the heart of the victorious samana,

  he ordered all the evil spirits at his command to attack him and overawe the great muni. [6]

  波旬的三个女儿诱惑菩萨,但他根本不理睬她们,波旬见到他不能在这个得胜的出家人心中燃起欲望之火,便命令所有的幽灵鬼怪听从他的命令攻击悉达多,企图震慑这位伟大的觉悟者。 6

  But the Blessed One watched them as one would watch the harmless games of children.

  All the fierce hatred of the evil spirits was of no avail.

  The flames of hell became wholesome breezes of perfume,

  and the angry thunderbolts were changed into lotus-blossoms. [7]

  然而至福者看着他们,如同一个大人在看小孩子玩着无害的游戏。幽灵鬼怪狂暴激烈的恨意没有任何用处。地狱之火变成了有益健康的、飘着香味的微风,震怒的霹雳变成了盛开的莲花。 7

  When Mara saw this, he fled away with his army from the Bodhi-tree,

  whilst from above a rain of heavenly flowers fell,

  and voices of good spirits were heard: [8]

  波旬见此,便率他的群魔逃离了菩提树,这时一阵花雨从天而降,只听众位善神说道: 8

  "Behold the great muni! his heart unmoved by hatred.

  The wicked Mara's host 'gainst him did not prevail.

  Pure is he and wise, loving and full of mercy. [9]

  “看那伟大的觉悟者,他的心不因仇恨所动,邪恶的波旬一伙与他作对未能成功。他是纯净智慧、仁爱慈悲的。 9

  "As the rays of the sun drown the darkness of the world,

  so the who perseveres in his search will find the truth

  and the truth will enlighten him." [10]

  “正如太阳之光战胜世界之黑暗,他在追求中坚持,因此他将找到真理,真理也将启示他。” 10




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佛言佛语持素和持斋是不同的。持斋要求严,当天过午之后就能不再吃东西了,直到第二天天微亮,眼睛能看清手上的掌纹,才可以继续进食。当然是可以喝水的,如果身体有疾病的人不能饿肚子的话,可以喝点糖水等,象严重高血压病人等(具体看医生的建议,自己能不能饿肚子),我们建议就不要持斋了。 摘录自佛言网由明华居士发布