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隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 礼敬佛陀 Paying Homage To The Buddha

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隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 礼敬佛陀 Paying Homage To The Buddha



  Once, I gave a talk at a ceremony, I was sitting on the high seat. Laypeople brought in flowers and lighted candles and incense . It made me feel so hot, that I asked them : 'Why are you doing this ?'. They answered : 'To make merit'. So I asked further : 'Hose much were the flowers?' . They said : '5 baht a bunch'. I told them : 'What can merit do, it spoils the economy !'.


  I don't forbid paying homage with flowers, candles and incense but understand the meaning of it too'. I told them that the flowers for worshipping the Buddha stand for smiling and cheerfulness, their fragrance is our non-anger, not pulling a long face, our faces will be as beautiful as flowers. 3 sticks of incense mean doing good with body, speech and mind, we light incense in order to do good. If we do it like this, there is bound to be fragrance. The 2 candles : why do we light candles in the daytime? They refer to our 2 eyes and 2 ears, knowing how to look and listen to good and bad things so we're not deceived.


  Another time, I went to give a talk in Chaiapoom. There were many children who liked me and wanted to be with me, their parents send them to stay so I ordained them as novices and shaved their heads. Seeing a wound on the head, I asked : 'What is this wound ?'. He said he took flowers to a Buddha statue and the statue fell on his head. I said : 'The Buddha has no compassion for you at all! Every day you go to offer flowers, rice and water and pay respects !'. I taught him that a Buddha statue is convention, representing the meaning of good actions, good speech, good thoughts and peace/ happiness. The children understood ; they returned home and told their father but he didn't agree and got angry. Thai people are like this : Buddhists according to tradition only ; they still don't understand .......







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华人学佛第一选择 (2020-2030)