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念佛四十八法:34) 不住持名

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念佛四十八法:34) 不住持名


  34) 不住持名

  Uninterrupted Recitation

  Reciting the Buddha’s name without interruption is visualization, and visualization is the cause of wisdom. The previous utterance of the Buddha’s name has gone, the next one has not come, the present utterance is not static. (17) Practice visualization in this manner – clearly but without attachment, without attachment but clearly. Proceeding continuously in this way, you will arrive at the truth that “everything is made from M ind alone” – Buddha is Mind, Mind is Buddha.

  不住者即是观也,观者慧之机也,前一句过去矣,后一句未来也,现在一句亦不住。 了了分明而不可得,不可得而了了分明。


  (to the three methods above)

  To recite the Buddha’s name is to recite the Buddha of the Self-Mind. Therefore, whether the place of recitation is clean or dirty does not matter. Moreover, sentient beings and Buddhas share the same Self-Nature True Mind. That Self-Nature, that Buddha Nature, originally bright, has, as a result of delusion, been covered by afflictions and ignorance. We are so deluded and perverse that day in and day out

  we pursue worldly dusts and false realms, drawing further and further away from the True Nature, mistaking the false for the True. Once we are enlightened. we return to the light of the Self-Mind, but it is not easy, in a short time, to erase the dark afflictions which have tainted it for so long. Therefore, it is necessary to recite continuously (to recite the Buddha’s name is to recite the Buddha of the Self-Mind). With Buddha thoughts succeeding one another at all times, sentient being thoughts cease to exist. Thus, even when we are extremely busy, only audible recitation is interrupted; how can the thoughts inside us be restrained? When the m ind is completely occupied with Buddha thoughts, how can sundry thoughts arise any longer? Sundry thoughts having ceased to arise (the wind has stopped!), the M ind is no longer moved by anything. At that point, the m ind is peacefully resting in samadhi (the water is calm). The myriad dharmas now appear – nothing at all is missing.

  With myriad dharmas manifesting them-selves naturally, the Self-Mind shines in a sublime, unique way (wisdom). The cultivator who can practice Buddha Recitation to this lev el has effectively reached perfection.


念佛四十八法:35) 即禅即佛持名

念佛四十八法:36) 即戒即佛持名

念佛四十八法:37) 即教即佛持名

念佛四十八法:38) 不持而持持名

念佛四十八法:39) 持而不持持名



念佛四十八法:33) 不杂持名

念佛四十八法:32) 不断持名

念佛四十八法:31) 镜中持名

念佛四十八法:30) 光中持名

念佛四十八法:29) 声中持名

华人学佛第一选择 (2020-2030)