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保罗·卡卢斯:佛陀的福音 喜悦 Rejoice |
保罗·卡卢斯:佛陀的福音 喜悦 Rejoice
The Gospel of Buddha Compiled from ancient records by Paul Carus, 1894 佛陀的福音 作者:保罗·卡卢斯 《佛陀的福音》为德裔美籍哲学家保罗•卡卢斯的重要著作,出版于1894年,当年即位列美国当年最畅销书排行榜。1895年,日本佛学大师铃木大拙将其翻译成日文在日本出版。 该书运用《圣经•新约》的叙述方式,介绍了佛陀的生平与最基本的佛教教义,以佛陀的谈话与佛家原始教义叙说佛陀一生的行踪与思想。本书的绝大部分内容来源于佛教的古老经文,许多重要段落都是逐字抄录于翻译过的原始经文。 本书致力于向读者展示一个这样的佛陀与佛教:佛是人而不是神,佛是真平等者,佛不是生而知之者,佛教不承认有顽劣不可教化的人,佛不是独一无二的... Rejoice 1.喜 悦 Rejoice at the glad tidings! The Buddha, our Lord, has found the root of all evil; he has shown us the way of salvation. [1] The Buddha dispels the illusions of our mind and redeems us from the terror of death. [2] 为这好消息而喜悦吧!佛陀,我们的主,他找到了所有罪的根源,给我们指明了得救之路。 1 佛陀驱散了我们头脑中的幻相,并将我们从对死亡的恐惧中拯救出来。 2 The Buddha, our Lord, brings comfort to the weary and sorrow-laden; he restores peace to those who are broken down under the burden of life. He gives courage to the weak when they would fain give up self-reliance and hope. [3] 佛陀,我们的主,他给那些疲惫和忧伤的人带来安慰,给那些被生活重负压垮的人带来平安,给那些无奈放弃自立和希望的弱者带来勇气。 3 Ye that suffer from the tribulations of life, ye that have to struggle and endure, ye that yearn for a life of truth, rejoice at the glad tidings! [4] 你们这些遭遇生活磨难的人啊,你们这些不得不挣扎和忍受的人啊,你们这些渴望真实生命的人啊,为这好消息而喜悦吧! 4 There is balm for the wounded, and there is bread for the hungry. There is water for the thirsty, and there is hope for the despairing. There is light for those in darkness, and there is inexhaustible blessing for the upright. [5] 对受伤者而言,这里有止痛膏;对饥饿者而言,这里有面包;对口渴者,这里有水。而对绝望者,这里则有希望;对身处黑暗者,这里有光;对正直者,这里有永远的祝福。 5 Heal your wounds, ye wounded and eat your fill, ye hungry. Rest, ye weary, and ye who are thirsty quench your thirst. Look up to the light, ye that sit in darkness; be full of good cheer, ye that are forlorn. [6] 受伤的人啊,治愈你的伤口吧;饥饿的人啊,填饱你的肚子吧;疲惫的人啊,休息吧;口渴的人啊,饮水止渴吧。你们这些坐在黑暗中的人,抬头看光吧;你们这些孤独无望的人啊,欢欣鼓舞吧! 6 Trust in truth, ye that love the truth, for the kingdom of righteousness is founded upon earth. The darkness of error is dispelled by the light of truth. We can see our way and take firm and certain steps. [7] 你们这些热爱真理的人,要相信真理,因为正义的王国已在这世上建立了起来。谬见的黑暗已被真理之光驱散。我们能看到前进的道路,要迈开坚定确信的步伐。 7 The Buddha, our Lord, has revealed the truth. [8] 佛陀,我们的主,已经揭示了真理。 8 The truth cures our diseases and redeems us from perdition; the truth strengthens us in life and in death; the truth alone can conquer the evils of error. [9] 真理治愈了我们的疾病并将我们从毁灭中拯救出来;真理在生命和死亡中赋予我们以力量;真理独自便能征服谬误之罪。 9 为这好消息而喜悦吧! 10 Rejoice at the glad tidings! [10]